Rooms Added:
Master Bedroom with Ensuite, Guest Bedroom with Ensuite, 3rd Bedroom, Kitchen & Entry Roof
Project Brief
With two teenage boys, and both parents working, the owners of this original single storey inner city house wanted their home to be calm and peaceful, a place where everyone could have their own personal space, as well as areas where they could come together as a family.
The Results
The renovated house has helped achieve the desired lifestyle, and our clients are getting a lot of pleasure out of coming home and spending time together. It has really fulfilled the initial vision they had for their home, to create a calm and inviting environment for the whole family to enjoy and overall a happy space to live in.
Client Comments
‘The actual structure of the house and the attention to detail of the workmanship both inside and out is everything we had hoped for. When you go outside and like the people you see on those tv ads, who just stand and stare at their house… well that’s us! It’s simply stunning and we couldn’t be happier. It really is a lovely place to live in and the family look forward to coming home each night and being around on the weekends.’